Autumn colours on their way
Posted 03/10/2021 : By: Will & Sarah Draper
It has started to feel well and truly autumnal here at Badwell Ash Holiday lodges. After a prolific summer for the trees and plants, the temperature has dropped a few degrees and the leaves are starting to turn. First to go have been the horse chestnut trees, conkers now dropping and the leaves browning.

The silver birches too are showing signs of preparing to drop their leaves, as too are the weeping willows and the maples. The majestic oak at the back of the site behind Heron is still a deep green, however the acorns are falling, along with the the sweet chestnuts, giving the squirrels an absolute bonanza of treats.

The next few weeks are going to be glorious here as the colours turn from uniform green to an array of red, gold, orange, yellow and brown. Who needs New England… come and see us!0
Autumn Quiz
We have been establishing wild flower areas in the grounds and it seems to have been working. We found these three caterpillars whilst working on the site in the last few days. We are at a loss to identify them - can you help? First correct answer will get a box of our special wildflower seed mix!