Not long to wait now!
Posted 08/03/2021 : By: Will & Sarah Draper
It’s fair to say that we cannot wait to re-open Badwell Ash Holiday Lodges in just over a month’s time. To help whet your appetite ahead of your return, here are a few photos we've taken in the last week or so.

The snow and frozen lakes are now just a distant memory, the sun is out, the birds are chirping, the frogs and toads are on the move, and the daffodils are out in force. Yes – we are truly full of the joys of Spring! And we feel especially joyous now that the roadmap out of lockdown is becoming clearer and, all being well, we will be able to re-open on April 12th.

We have missed our guests but we have kept ourselves busy by continuing with improvements to the lodges and site. For instance, we have repaired the fishing decks and installed a few more, we have chalked the lakes which has improved the water quality, we’ve added some bat boxes and hedgehog shelters around the site, we’ve planted numerous new shrubs, and we have improved the furnishings in the lodges.

Oh, and finally, as the local newspaper article suggests, we have joined the local toad patrol. It turns out the road outside our lodges is on an ancient toad migration path. Such an exciting life we lead here in Suffolk...